2020年06月17日 15:28  

序号 论文名称 期刊名称 作者 发表时间 检索情况 附件
16 Heterogeneous Deniable Authentication and Its application to E-Voting Systems Journal of Information Security and Applications 金春花 2019年1月 外文期刊/SCI
17 Industry Upgrading: Recommendations of New Products Based on World Trade Network Entropy   2019年1月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
18 An efficient heterogeneous signcryption for smart grid plos one 金春花 2018年12月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
19 Convergence Gain in Compressive Deconvolution: Application to Medical Ultrasound Imaging Applied Sciences 高斌 2018年12月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
20 Improved CT algorithm based on target block division and feature points matching EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing   2018年12月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
21 ADMM-based Optimal Power Control for Cognitive Satellite Terrestrial Uplink Networks IEEE Access 高斌 2018年11月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
22 Competition May Increase Social Utility in Bipartite Matching Problem Complexity 周蕾 2018年11月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
23 A Multi-dimensional Context-aware Recommendation Approach Based on Improved Random Forest Algorithm IEEE ACCESS 李翔 2018年9月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
24 Extracting the Information Backbone Based On Personalized Time Window IEEE Access 陈伯伦 2018年9月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
25 Instability in Stable Marriage Problem: Matching Unequally Numbered Men and Women Complexity 陈伯伦 2018年9月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
26 Multidimensional Context-Aware Recommendation Algorithm Towards Intelligent Distribution of Cold Chain Logistics Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 李翔 2018年9月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
27 Joint Learning of Body and Part Representation for Person Re-Identification IEEE Access 王媛媛 2018年8月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
28 Link Prediction on Directed Networks Based on AUC Optimization IEEE Access 陈伯伦 2018年6月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
29 Biclustering of gene expression data using cuckoo search and genetic algorithm International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial intelligence 殷路 2018年6月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
30 Self-recovery reversible image watermarking algorithm PLOS ONE 张正伟 2018年4月 外文期刊/SCI

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