2020年06月17日 15:39  

序号 论文名称 期刊名称 作者 发表时间 检索情况 附件
46 An Improved Reversible Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Difference Expansion International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 张正伟 2017年1月 外文期刊/SCI
47 nsemble biclustering gene expression data based on the spectral clustering Neural Computing and Applications 殷路 2017年1月 外文期刊/SCI
48 Recursively Global and Local Discriminant Analysis for Semi-supervised and Unsupervised Dimension Reduction with Image Analysis Neurocomputing 高尚兵 2016年12月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
49 CVS: Fast cardinality estimation for large-scale data streams over sliding windows Neurocomputing 单劲松 2016年10月 外文期刊/SCI
50 Fast counting the cardinality of flows for big traffic over sliding windows Frontiers of Computer Science 单劲松 2016年10月 外文期刊/SCI
51 LRU-LC: Fast Estimating Cardinality of Flows over Sliding Windows IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 单劲松 2016年10月 外文期刊/SCI
52 Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Logistics Stowage Based on Context-aware Intelligent Recommender Algorithm Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 李翔 2016年6月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
53 Biclustering of Gene Expression Dada with Multi Objective Cuckoo Search OXIDATION COMMUNICATIONS 殷路 2016年6月 外文期刊/SCI
54 Wide-area Smart Grids with New Smart Units Synchronized Measurement Analysis and Control based on Cloud Computing Platform International Journal of Energy Research 赵建洋 2016年3月 外文期刊/SCI
55 Rotation-and-scale-invariant airplane detection in high-resolution satellite images based on deep-Hough-forests ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 于永涛 2016年2月 外文期刊/SCI
56 A Multiple Graph Label Propagation Integration Framework for Salient Object Detection Neural Processing Letters 周静波 2015年12月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
57 Rotation-invariant object detection in high-resolution satellite imagery using superpixel based deep-Hough-forests IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 于永涛 2015年12月 外文期刊/SCI
58 Automatic Segmentation of Nature Object Using Salient Edge Points Based Active Contour Mathematical Problems in Engineering 高尚兵 2015年8月 外文期刊/SCI 附件
59 An Improved Saliency Detection for Different Light Conditions KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 任永峰 2015年6月 外文期刊/SCI
60 Dynamic navigation method with multisubstations based on dopplershift Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 赵建洋 2015年6月 外文期刊/SCI 附件

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